Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ways to Do a Plantar Wart Removal

Plantar warts, otherwise knows as verruca plantaris can be found underneath the feet and because they are often pressed, they are painful to have. Bleeding may occur if they are scratched and one will feel discomfort and pain when standing or walking. The disease can be obtained or transmitted by walking on public showers or pools. Skin can get infected and might develop into clusters.The entrance point of the human papilloma virus are tiny cuts or breaks on the skin. While some warts tend to go away by themselves, plantar warts are usually stubborn. They can be very painful and possible transmission to some parts of the body and people in your household can be a problem. People can walk or stand awkwardly if they have warts on the soles of the feet that's why although they might not be visible,the presence of them can also cause embarrassment.

With these reasons plantar wart removal is recommended.There are several ways to do plantar wart removal. Cryotherapy is the most common way of removing them. Cryotherapy uses nitrogen to freeze the warts. As blisters form around the wart, tissues will die and slough off after a week or so. This is not a painful method but needs to be repeated a few times to ensure the total removal of warts.Another plantar wart removal method is with the use of cantharidin. Salicylic acid is paired with the extract from the blister beetle and the mixture is applied to the wart. The affected part will be bandaged and after a week, you can just clip away the dead skin. Some people use electric needle to remove warts but proper care needs to be employed so as not to leave a scar on the skin.Laser treatment can also be used to eliminate plantar warts. This is expensive and painful and may need multiple sessions to become effective.

Our body has a natural rejection system that can help in addressing skin problems. Immunotherapy which is not a painful process can be done in so many ways like injecting with interferon to boost the body's immune system or by directly injecting the warts with antigen. Mump antigen which sets an immune reaction against warts is often used.If you are low on budget, there are less costly ways of doing plantar wart removal. Home treatment medication in the form of salicylic acid or duct tape application can be used. There is less pain in these procedure but it takes a long while for the wart to go away.To prevent the spread of a plantar wart, it should be covered with bandage while swimming and wearing of slippers at the shower room is necessary. Sharing of towels can also spread the infection.

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