Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Skin Wart Removal

Warts are often the result of coming into contact with the Human Papillmavirus (HPV). The virus is often found in wet or damp places that have a lot of human traffic. Generally, this is a locker room, public shower or swimming pool.The people most susceptible to HPV are young children or men and women who have close physical contact. Skin warts are generally not health threatening and skin wart removal procedures are readily available.While there are many ways to remove these growths, we need to first try to find out the type of wart it is so that we can select the best technique for removing it. The five major types are outlined below:

1) Common Warts

Warts appearing on the hands are usually fall in the Common classification and as a rule cause very few problems. While these growths are unsightly and sometimes uncomfortable, this type is generally removed at home or in a physician's office using a wide variety of skin wart removal methods or allowed to cure themselves.

2) Flat Warts

These usually occur on areas of the body that we routinely shave. This primarily included the face, legs and underarms. Flat Warts are easy to identify with their flat surface and red-brown or flesh color.According to the National Institute of Health, these growths are benign tumors and not harmful. However, because flat warts often appear on the face, you may want a skin care professional to remove it to try and avoid scarring.

3) Genital Warts

As the name implies, this growth is found in the pubic area, between the thighs; and, inside the vagina and anal canal. These warts can quickly pass from one sexual partner to another. You should really see your physician if you suspect you have Genital warts. This is one type of wart that can be very dangerous and passed on very easily. Your physician will know best to remove them.

4) Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are typically small, harmless and often go away on their own. They are also painful and interfere with out daily life. Most of us can't wait to get rid of a "plantar wart". Because of this, we tend to go to a dermatologist or other skin care specialist to try to get immediate results. The physician usually removes the plantar wart in his office either by freezing it or, if it is deep, surgically. The problem is, warts can grow back if they are not removed totally or if HPV is still in your system. As a result, we often find ourselves with recurring plantar warts.

5) Subungual and Periungual Warts

These growths appear under and around the fingers or toenails. Subungual growths appear under and periungual growths appear around. Skin Wart Removal treatments can be administered by a physician but are usually removed at home by over-the-counter products or home remedies.SummarySkin warts can be painful and can itch and sometimes burn. There are many ways to remove them, most of which are successful. No treatment will work, however, if the underlying virus is still in your system. In this case, the wart will simply grow back.Most skin warts are harmless.

Genital Warts may be the exception you should contact your physician for guidance. Facial warts should also be seen by a physician to assure they are properly removed without consequence.Warts are contagious and the HPV is very easy to contact. Children, athletes and sexual partners are the most vulnerable. The virus is found in damp areas such as community pools, bathrooms and showers. Skin wart removal includes a myriad of options offered by skin care professions, pharmaceutical companies and alternative medicine physicians.

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