Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Surgical And Home Wart Removal Treatment Is Quick And Effective

Warts are growths which form on the skin and are caused by a virus known as human papilloma virus and are usually found on ones hands, feet and at the back of the knees. These types of warts are not known to spread over the entire body however they are considered contagious and one can have the warts removed with a simple wart removal treatment or opt to have them surgically removed.

There are various types of warts such as planter̢۪s warts which are commonly found under the feet then there are plane warts which occur on the face as well as other parts of the body and these can spread rapidly.

Warts that form under the nail beds are known as periungual warts and facial warts which appear as a single long stalk are known as filiform warts.

The various types of warts need to be treated differently for instance one can use a wart removal treatment such as salicylic acid preparation for most warts which is available in the form of gel, plasters drops and pads. Salicylic acid dissolves the keratin which warts are mostly made up of as well as the dead skin that surrounds the warts.

Another wart removal treatment is freezing them with liquid nitrogen this can be done at home or by a dermatologist which is a painless procedure. There are also natural ways in which can remove warts which is also far cheaper that some of the conventional methods.

Herbs such as garlic, the milky latex from the dandelion, a paste of vitamin C as well as the juice from pineapples, grapes and banana peels which all contain salicylic acid and aid in wart removal treatment effectively if applied regularly. There are also topical wart creams obtainable over the counter. If you find the natural treatments are not affective then it is best to visit a professional and have them painlessly removed.

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